Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 10

This morning began with a wonderful breakfast at our hotel in Alexandria, VA. before heading to the Washington Monument.  While waiting for our appointment to go up to the 500 foot level of the monument, we decided to take a walk over to the White House to catch a glimpse of the President (no luck but we had a great walk and took many photos anyway)!  After a short walk back to the WA Monument, we had a great time waiting our turn in the line and then proceeded to take the 70 second elevator ride to the top floor of the monument to witness the amazing 360 degree views of our capital and the surrounding states of Maryland and Virginia.  It was a beautiful and clear day so we were able to see for miles and miles.
After our return to the ground and many, many pictures later we were off to our appointment and tour of the Capital building.  We were all very excited to see where our laws are introduced, debated, and passed.  We had an exceptional tour guide who answered any and ALL of our questions, staying long after out tour was over to make sure no question went unanswered. 
After a quick stop for lunch, we were off to witness more history in the form of documents such as the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights housed under intense security in the National Archives.  We were able to make an extended stop in the gift shop before heading to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History to see many artifacts much older then those found in the Archives. 
Before leaving the city, we headed to China town for some dinner then drove to the Jefferson Monument along the banks of the Tidal Basin and watched the sun set over the Potomac River.  We took a walk along the water’s edge on our way to the FDR Memorial and ended our day’s journey with  a quiet and reflective walk along the still waters of the Tidal Basin with reflections of monuments, buildings and the stars shimmering besides us.

The White House

The Washington Monument 
The Washington Monument is the tallest building in Washington DC.  It stands 555 feet, 5 1/8 inches and is 55 feet wide.  WOW!!  1/3 of the monument is a different color because war broke out and they ran out of money to finish.  After the war, they finished the monument with a different stone.  Construction lasted from 1783 to 1880.  It cost a total of $1,187,710.  At the top there are 2 windows on each side.  One cool fact is that it weighs 90854 lbs.  There are also 50 flags around the base of the monument.  Being at the top of the monument is an exhilarating experience.  If you ever go to Washington DC you would never want to miss the big Washington Monument!

The Capital

The Capital was very calm and peaceful.  The amazing architecture seemed to prosper.  We waked through the streets of astounding beauty.  The House of Reps and Senate filled the streets with the feeling of Justice.  The federal officer offered a sense of security for such a beautiful city.  The Capital was beautiful and amazing.  The inside of the capital was full of art and architecture depicting America.  There were many statues and paintings of presidents and famous people from America.  The building was large and included many separate rooms and domes.

Portrait Gallery

Today we went to the National Portrait Gallery/American Art Museum. The first section my group went to was "Portraiture Now" where there was photography of current celebrities and their biographies. That was one of my favorite sections. The second floor exhibited the portraits of the presidents & The Struggle for Justice. The Struggle for Justice showcased paintings and photographs of the different ways our country has delt with social injustices. Along with the president's portraits, there were portraits of their families. That was also one of my favorite exhibitions. The 3rd level had the portraits of famous sports players and entertainers. It was called "Brava!". This will be one of my favorite memories from this trip. 

National Archives
Today we went to many places including the National Archives.  In the National Archives there are many important historical documents that included the Declaration of Independence, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation.  In order to preserve the important documents, they keep the light, humidity, and temperature at a low level.  Later on in the tour they showed how they gathered intelligence in the military and what they had gathered.

The Museum of Natural History
The National Museum of Natural History was one of the most inciting and intelligent museums I have ever seen.  The astounding replicas and artifacts really help explain the creatures being depicted.  The exhibits were astounding as well.  The interactive stations also helped get a better understanding of our past.

Jefferson Memorial

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

Today we went to the FDR Memorial and it was very elaborate.  There are four rooms in an open air, rock formation section across from the Jefferson Memorial.  The first room had a hard waterfall representing the tough times and it had people lining up to get food and a quote that talked about how 1/3 of the people were poor.  The second and third rooms were not as hard and painful- like.  The forth one had when FDR died and it was a little harder than the past 2 rooms.  Each room represents each one of the presidential terms.  It will be one of my favorite memories and in think that it was a good experience for us.

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